😍 We're Moving! 😍
Updated 9/23/2023
All orders that come in after Sept 23rd will be processed after the move on Sept 27th. We appreciate your patience during this time of transition. Orders will be processed in the order they were received though some may take longer if a product is out of stock or it is a custom made to order item. We have extended our shipping times to be 5-7 days until we are fully settled into the new place and have our Amazon shop on vacation mode. We may put our Etsy shop on vacation mode if needs be. All services and readings are suspended until October TBD.
Please be patient and understand that this has all been A LOT for me to juggle this month between two residences, packing and moving, and a very busy business. I appreciate everyones support and understanding during this time. I am exhausted and having a chronic pain flare up on top of everything.
SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER: https://www.belladonnasbotanicals.com/pages/subscribe-to-our-newsletter
If you haven't watched the video below for full details on the move - it should have all the relevant details for the time being about shipping delays, custom products, and other business related updates.
Don't Forget to take advantage of our moving sales through October
🌺 60% off clearance items
🌺 25% off crystal overstocks
🌺 20% off pretty much everything else.
Custom Made to Order Ritual Oils: https://www.belladonnasbotanicals.com/products/custom-intention-ritual-oils
If you are looking for ritual services, energy work, or divination, Jennifer recommends
BlackTree BlueRaven: https://blacktreeblueraven.com/
Learn Reiki Philadelphia: https://learnreikiphiladelphia.com/
Simply Velca: https://simplyvelca.com/
Unexplained Possibilities: https://www.youtube.com/@UnexplainedPossibilities