What are Essential Oil Chemotypes?

What are Essential Oil Chemotypes?

What is a chemotype?
Chemotypes are variances of the chemical composition of certain essential oils extracted from one botanical species yet they vary in chemical compositions. They are not different species of the oil. Chemotypes occur when a plant produces a particular chemical in a higher than normal amount because of many environmental factors such as light, soil, temperature, moisture, climatic influence, altitude, insect activity, and geographic area.

Plants with different chemotypes: Rosemary, Thyme, Basil, Hyssop, and Niaouli. I will mostly be talking about Rosemary and Thyme for this blog post.

The three main chemotypes of Rosemary are camphor, cineole, and verbenone. Each has its own distinct aroma and therapeutic applications and safety.

  • Rosemary ct. camphor has GRAS status, although it can be neurotoxic, if taken orally, due to camphor content.

  • Rosemary ct. 1,8 cineole has GRAS status, although it can be neurotoxic, if taken orally, due to camphor content.  Do not use near or on the face of infants and children.

  • Rosemary ct. verbenone has GRAS status, although it can be neurotoxic, if taken orally, due to camphor content.

Rosemary ct camphor

  • Rich in camphor, 1,8 cineole and supported by monoterpenes

  • Stimulates and increases energy 

  • Can improve short term memory

  • Supports the circulatory system

  • Pain relief for problems including muscular aches and pains, cramps, spasms, and inflammation

  • Clears the mind 

Rosemary ct cineole

  • Rich in 1,8 cineole and supported by sesquiterpenes. 

  • Strong affinity with the respiratory system

  • It can be used as a muscular antispasmodic and pain relief

  • Stimulates mental function for the elderly who show impaired mental functioning

  • Indicated for chronic fatigue and general fatigue

  • Clears the Mind 

Rosemary ct verbenone

  • Rich in monoterpene (a-pinene) supported by verbenone, camphor and bornyl acetate. 

  • Used in skincare and haircare due to its regenerative abilities for oily or irritated skin

  • Strong affinity for the respiratory system

  • Relieves post-menopausal syndrome especially hot flashes, also useful for post-natal depression. 

  • Restores psychological and emotional balance

  • Clears the mind

Canva - Bunch thyme on wooden boards.jpg

Thyme ct linalool

  • Effective systemic and topical anti-infectious agent

  • Stimulates the immune system and is used for respiratory ailments in children

  • Affinity with the respiratory system in general for coughs, sore throats, and inflammation

  • Supports the digestive system and relieves inflammation 

  • Benefits inflamed skin conditions and infections

  • Helps with urinary tract infections 

Thyme ct gerianol

  • Thyme ct. geraniol has pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effectiveness.

  • Relieves intestinal distress

  • Other uses include viral and fungal infections and bronchitis

  • Helps promote relaxation for sleeplessness

Thyme ct thymol

  • Broad anti-infectious spectrum of action

  • Lifts depression caused by fatigue and energizes the body

  • Used for chronic infections

  • Stimulates the immune system

  • It has many respiratory usages including: bronchitis, rhino-pharyngitis, sinusitis, respiratory infections

  • Pain relief for musculoskeletal inflammation

  • Digestive support for illnesses

Thyme ct borneol

  • Airborne disinfectant

  • Combats intestinal parasites 

  • Pain relief for musculoskeletal inflammation

  • Respiratory benefits include relief from: bronchitis, sinusitis, infections, and other chronic conditions

  • Used for skin inflections

  • Helps with urinary tract infections

Thyme ct thujanol-4

  • Used for genitourinary infections and inflammation

  • Used for respiratory ailments including: bronchitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, flu, and the common cold.

  • May help lift depression

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