Infernals & Dark Goddesses



Lilith is the patron goddess representing sexual liberation, empowerment, sex magick, and one of the core archetypes of the dark goddess. According to the old testament, she was the first wife of Adam but demanded equal rightss, especially within the sexual act as she refused to be submissive. Therefore she was cast out of the garden and became the first demon, haunting man and newborns. Lilith is also known as Lady of the Beasts, who rules the wilderness and all beasts, the animal side of human nature.

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Lucifer also referred to as the Lightbringer or the morningstar is considered to be the true God and liberator of humanity as gives us the knowledge to become independent and free. He directs us to be masters of our own lives and destinies. Lucifer and his Demons are always there to help us when there are things we cannot yet handle.

Lucifer-Amaymon is the enlightener and initiator. Amaymon is the Black Sun, the Dragon’s Eye. He is the Hidden God, the Dark Origin of Lucifer’s Light. The Egyptian Pharaohs honored Amaymon as Amun, the first god born of his own will, granter of protection, empowerment, and immortality.

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Belial is a fallen angel and also a demonic gatekeeper. He who is without a master or the lawless one. Belial is a Goetic King and the 68th spirit in the Lesser Key of Solomon. He was created next after Lucifer. He commands 50 Legions of Spirits.

Belial disperses and removes all the tyrants in your life, the snakes in the grass that some may call friends or even family. He breaks the shackles and the chains that bind you. To soar higher than ever, journey with him through the wasteland of the Underworld. Through the sands of time you will confront your inner demons, your insecurities, your trauma, all that you have kept locked inside you.

Belial is primarily worked with for matters pertaining to seeking legal justice, ending oppressive relationships whether its a toxic relationship or work environment. Belial can also be worked with for career advancement and prestige. Pathworking with Belial involves a lot of self-work and shadow work in order to advance yourself as a magical practitioner in all aspects of your life. Read more



Azazel is a fallen angel, one of the leaders of the Watchers and also a demonic gatekeeper. He taught humans how to craft weapons, how to make and use cosmetics, and the art and practice of witchcraft and sorcery. Azazel encourages independence to question and challenge rules and dogma of God. Azazel is often associated with goats, as people would drive away or banish their sins with a goat into the wilderness while another goat was a sacrificed for god, hence the expression “scapegoat.”

Azazel is who steals the fire from the Gods, the secrets of the heavens, and delivers them unto man. He teaches his forbidden rites of sorcery, giving us the weapons of the gods as well as legions and armies of darkness to carry our will amongst the world. He teaches the art of creating dark living sentient beings, real monstrous creations that are not just thoughtforms or servitors but actual spirits to do your bidding. Azazel has knowledge and access to things that not even the gods have, revealing hidden doorways, currents and other magickal mysteries.

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Abaddon is the Destroyer, the Angel of the Bottomless Pit, and the God of the Abyss. Abaddon is excellent at destruction of toxic persons, obstacles, toxic situation or circumstances. This can also be considered the destruction of the self, your perception, and preconceived notions. Abaddon teaches and death rites), possession, de-possession and bindings: binding spirits; binding spells; how to bind others; how to bind yourself; how to bind the reality to obey a command; how to loosen binds; how to unlock yourself; and how to unlock any door that can open.

Abaddon teaches us how to destroy that which no longer serves us, including any obstacles and the parts of the us that hold us back in order to foster our ascent, control over baneful spirits, protection from curses and negative energies, and command over Abaddon's locust army.

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Lucifuge Rofocale


Lucifuge Rofocale the lord of pacts and excess, keeper of the Black Gate, Guardian of Secret Treasure, Lord of Magick, the Ancient One beyond space and time, and the Bearer of the Ancient Covenant. Pacts with Lucifuge are an essential component in your magical ascension bringing forth abundance, success, and prosperity, increased knowledge, wisdom, and secrets of power.

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Beelzebub is Lord of Pestilence, Lord of Flies, Prince of Devils, the deathly solar force, and the blackened sun. Beelzebub teaches the secrets of gaining and commanding legions of spirits, he has and gives power over illnesses and wounds, and he grants the most clear vision of the Infernal Empire. Working with Beelzebub yields knowledge, experience, and immersion into the realm of the supernatural. He will give you a connection to the spirit world, the steps in your personal evolution, removal of patterns and blockages to your ascent, awakening of your spiritual reality, and enhanced magical ability in healing and baneful magicks.

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Bael is the Lord of Lords, ancient god of storms, demonic king, and a Lord of War. Bael gives precise instructions for rituals, meditations, to gain mass influence, ascendant sorcery, and insights into the inner workings of magick. Working with Baal helps in manifesting prosperity, prestige, leadership, and abundance, and the power of invisibility.

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Asmodeus (Asmoday) is the demon of lust and wrath. Working with Asmodeus will help to gain friendship, love, lust, prosperity, influence, luck, and revenge. He offers elevated sex drive and sexual prowess, sex magick practices, boosts luck and gambling success, and transmutes blockages to magical ascension.

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Satan is the Lord of Darkness, the Adversary, the Ancient Dragon, the Great and Evil Serpent, and the Liberator of Mankind. Working with Satan can enhance your psychic connection, power of seduction and influence, transmuting internal alchemy, and a personal demon servitor.

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King Paimon


King Paimon is the Ninth Spirit of the Goetia, a Great King, and very obedient unto Lucifer. He appears in the form of a man sitting upon a Dromedary with a Crown upon his head. He teaches all Arts and Sciences and other secret things. He giveth good Familiars, and such as can teach all Arts.

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