Barbie Garrett
Barbie Garrett
From the time I can remember, I have been touched by the Dark Goddess, Astarte. As the mother I never had, she has helped to guide, protect and mold my reality. Even though I was raised by an extremely strict Southern Baptist family, I found myself practicing magick as a small child and well into my teen years. I could manifest things that I realized other family members and friends could not. I knew I was different and so did those around me and they made sure to make me feel afraid & ashamed of it. It wasn’t until my awakening over a decade ago that I started to lean into the fear and truly learn to develop my gifts of seeing, communicating and even feeling spirits in physical forms. These gifts, with the help of the spirits, made taking control of my own adult reality easier. As I started to dive into the abyss of black magick, I realized that my uniqueness was one to be celebrated, not ashamed or afraid of. Now I am completely obsessed with figuring out the secrets of the ancient ones and how to utilize them to hijack the reality that we now live in and create a better reality for our children's future. Over the last 13 years of practicing witchcraft, I have had many lessons, lost much of my ego and am finding that I have a bit of a different approach to magick and the religions of the occult than most practitioners. There is no right or wrong religion. No god, goddess, angel or demon is evil. Only man can make them such. They are all valid and needed in order for humanity to evolve as we should. True spiritual liberation is to not have society, parental or any other control over what entity any individual works with because they are all parts of us and different ones will resound with different individuals. I hope to help continue to awaken minds and liberate souls as we find that we each are our own God and Goddesses to create any life we wish to have. It all starts from within.
Hail Thine Self is the one and true rule of finding health, wealth and happiness!
Stay kind, be grateful & Hail Thine Self,
Barbie Garrett
In the last few years, through escaping abuse and now healing trauma, I have been on a journey of self-love. Through self-love, all healing and personal empowerment can be found. When you love thyself, you are not worried about obtaining validation from any other outside force.
During this time, and through much trial and error, I have created a self-love and protection potion that feeds off hate, envy and jealousy. It’s called SLUT Water and I’m happy to offer this to the world in order to spread personal and sexual empowerment.
- Barbie Garrett
What is a slut?
Ever seen a sexually confident man or woman and found yourself envious of the ease in which good things seem to happen to them? We may refer to those men or women as sluts! I personally don’t see them as sexually promiscuous - I see them as people that have found a way to find sexual confidence no matter what obstacles, hate, envy or jealousy is thrown their way. They are rock stars in my eyes!!
Why would you want to be a slut?
If only you could get past your insecurities, anxiety, past traumas, depression, etc - You could be a Slut too!! We all have these issues at some point in our lives. Be it that we have past traumas to overcome, we gained a bit of weight when we got older or had a baby (or 2 or 3) and have lost love for ourselves somewhere along the way of changing diapers and singing Daddy Shark or maybe you just want a little extra something to spice up the bedroom and make your mate lust for you more. We all lose ourselves along the way sometimes and need to regain that special confidence. Or maybe you have always struggled with self-confidence and self-love! No matter the reason - Slut Water is the answer!!
How does Slut Water work?
Slut Water increases your overall happiness by increasing your sexual confidence. When your sexual confidence is increased, you will find a significant decrease in stress, anxiety, and depression. It will also help unpack and heal past traumas. All of these things will open, cleanse, and charge your kundalini chakra - which is where our most powerful magick and energy is created. Once this occurs, you will be unstoppable!! Free to be 100% the best sexual form of yourself. Regaining or creating your own personal sexuality. As well as you will find people will be drawn to you more easily, which can help in all areas of your life.
How is Slut Water used?
Slut water has an endless number of uses.
Just a few of them are:
● Increase sexual confidence
● Heal past traumas and regain self-confidence
● Heal from a heart-ache, break-up or grief
● Add to any ritual for an additional power source
● Anoint candles
● Use as an offering to spirits
● Attract a lover
● Attract better friends
● Grow your relationship/marriage stronger
● Add to artwork
● Add to make-up
● Wear as a perfume
● Lower inhibitions of a sexual partner, keeping them interested without the side effect of making them obsessive
● Protection
● Embody the Goddess yourself
● Heal physical ailments, bruises, acne, rashes, etc.
● Feel free to experiment with this water, the possibilities are endless.
● (warning: do not ingest this water)
Slut Water must be activated before each use. To do this simply state the following:
“Slut Water, by the power of Astarte, I activate you in order to (insert the desired result). So it shall be. So it is done. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”
For example:
“Slut Water, by the power of Astarte, I activate you in order to increase my overall self and sexual confidence, heal from my past traumas and create new opportunities and stronger connections with friends, family, and my husband/wife. So it shall be. So it is done. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.”
This should be done each time you utilize the water.
Slut Water increases your overall happiness by increasing your sexual confidence. When your sexual confidence is increased, you will find a significant decrease in stress, anxiety, and depression. It will also help unpack and heal past traumas. All of these things will open, cleanse, and charge your kundalini chakra. Once this occurs, you will be unstoppable. Free to be 100% the best sexual form of yourself. Regaining or creating your own personal sexuality.
Claiming of your Sluthood ritual instructions will be sent with the bottle. Performing this ritual is not necessary to obtain the benefits of this potion, but it will help connect you to the Dark Goddess Astarte and her healing and empowerment energies.