Comedogenic Ratings of Oils

Comedogenic Ratings of Oils

The term Comedogenic as it pertains to carrier oils and essential oils is a determination of whether or not certain oils with a rating of 0-5 will cause your skin to breakout because of clogged pores. My skin is pretty resilient and I use Coconut Oil and Shea Butter in most of my skincare recipes. Essential oils on their own are non-comedogenic, but in most cases you will be using them with some sort of carrier oil. The types of commonly used carrier oils have comedogenic ratings from 0-5  based upon how likely they are to clog pores and cause breakouts.

Here is a breakdown of the ratings:

  • Comedogenic rating of 0 means that the oil is a non-comedogenic and will not clog your pores.

  • Comedogenic rating of 1 has a slight chance of clogging your pores.

  • Comedogenic rating of 2 means that most people will not have clogged pores, but some people will experience clogged pores depending on their skin type.

  • Comedogenic rating of 3 will cause a lot of people to experience clogged pores or breakouts even though others won't experience any problems depending on their skin type.

  • Comedogenic rating of 4 suggests that most people will experience clogged pores or breakouts unless they have a good tolerance to oils depending on their skin type.

  • Comedogenic rating of 5 basically guarantees clogged poors and breakouts because very few people can tolerate oils with this rating.

Here is a list of the most commonly used carrier oils and their comedogenic ratings:

  • Argan Oil - 0

  • Beeswax - 2

  • Castor Oil - 1

  • Cocoa Butter - 4

  • Coconut Oil - 4

  • Fractionated Coconut Oil - 0

  • Grapeseed Oil - 1

  • Jojoba Oil - 2

  • Olive Oil - 2

  • Rosehip Oil - 1

  • Shea Butter - 0-2

  • Sweet Almond Oil - 2

This is a great resource containing additional oils and their comedogenic ratings.

If you end up with clogged pores and breakouts you can always use a deep pore cleansing mask on occasion and/or sugar scrubs or salt scrubs. The sugar and salt scrubs that I use contain a small amount of coconut oil, which helps prevent the sugar and salt from irritating my skin. The coconut oil can be replaced with Argan Oil or Fractionated Coconut Oil too. I alternate using them throughout the week.

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